$Id: index-en.html,v 1.10 2010/08/06 05:26:18 takayama Exp $
Small VM/KM
The KnoppixMath project provides a big virtual machine which
contains a lot of mathematical software systems
(VMware/Knoppix/Math 2010).
However, some of us do not need a big virtual machine.
For example, if we want to run only one mathematical software,
which is hard to
install in the host operating system, our small virtual machine
will provide a good solution to run the mathematical software.
The Small VM/KM project provides a minimal virtual machine,
which works on the VMware player for Windows and
VMware fusion (>=3.0) for MacOS X.
Here is
an introduction
to use this virtual machine.
The root password of these small VM/KM's is math.
The default user is math and the password is also math.
Zip files of our small VM/KM's
(virtual machines)
Q and A
lenny-ox (One of the small VM's)
The virtual machine lenny-ox contains the Risa/Asir
as a sample application.
The Risa/Asir is a computer algebra system.
Here is
an introduction
to use the Risa/Asir.
By the command helph(); we can read the manual of Risa/Asir.
Note on the license of this virtual machine:
Risa/Asir can be freely redistributed except for commercial purposes
(Risa/Asir is "non-free").
If you want a "free" virtual machine in the sense of Debian,
please remove the package openxm by
dpkg --purge openxm-gnome-desktop
dpkg --purge openxm-skel
dpkg --purge openxm
etch-ox (One of the small VM's)
The virtual machine etch-ox is based on the debain etch distribution,
which is older than the debian lenny.
The CMClab (constant mean curvature)
and TrIm (Tropical implitization) are installed
on this virtual machine.
They could not be installed in the latest KnoppixMath 2010,
which is based on the distributions lenny or sid.
Note that the security updates are not provided.
Please use it only for executing mathematical software systems
In order to start the CMClab, type in
cmclab &
in a terminal.
In order to view surfeces, open the file browser by the file/read menu,
double click a folder name in the browser, and select a file and click "go".
In order to try TrIm, type in
cd ~/tropical10/soft/TrIm
./TrIm.prl < afo
Advanced topics
You can use the small VM/KM as a basis of installing several software systems.
As explained in
instructions to install software systems ,
you can add a lot of packages of mathematical software systems
generated by the KnoppixMath project
to the small VM/KM "lenny-ox".
Please visit
on the latest news on the small VM/KM's.