Hypergeometric School 2023 --- research camp (超幾何学校2023---研究合宿)

超幾何学校2023を下記の日程/場所で開催する予定です. 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております.
場所: 神戸大学理学部B棟, 301号室.
Place: Kobe University, Faculty of Science (graduate school of science), Building B, Room 301.
(初日は夏季一斉休暇日です. B棟への入館の仕方はメールで1週間ほど前に連絡します. hgs2023-aug@math.kobe-u.ac.jp まで連絡ください. もし1週間ほど前に返事がなければ再度連絡をお願いします.)
travel guide (English) , 交通案内 .
以下, 暫定版です. 変更の可能性があります.


  1. Simon Telen, Positive Toric Geometry ( Handout).
  2. Anna-Laura Sattelberger , Algebraic and Holonomic Statistics ( Abstract and notes ).
  3. 松原宰栄(Saiei-Jaeyeong Matsubara-Heo), Twisted Cohomology and Likelihood Ideals ( Notes ).
  4. Exercises of 3 lectures.


  10:00--11:30  S.Telen (1)
  13:00--14:30  A.L.Sattelberger (1)
  15:00--16:30  S.J.Matsubara-Heo (1)

  9:00--10:30  S.Telen (2)
  11:00--12:00  Discussions and problem session.
  13:30--15:00  A.L.Sattelberger (2)
  15:30--17:00  S.J.Matsubara-Heo (2)

8/18(Fri) (workshop, 40 min talk + 5 min Q and A)
     Y.Goto (後藤良彰 Goto, Yoshiaki): Intersection theory for regular holonomic GKZ systems.

     T.Nobukawa (信川喬彦 Nobukawa, Takahiko): The variant of the $q$-hypergeometric equation of degree three: a $q$-analog of Papperitz's differential systems.

     A.Tsuchiya (土谷昭善 Tuchiya, Akiyoshi): Algebraic combinatorics on symmetric edge polytopes

     S.Telen: Solving structured polynomial equations: beyond toric varieties

     M.Komatsu (小松瑞果 Komatsu, Mizuka): Differential algebraic analysis of state space models and its applications

     A.L.Sattelberger: Bayesian Integrals on Toric Varieties

     S.Kuriki (栗木哲 Kuriki, Satoshi) : 
       Asymptotic expansion of the expected Minkowski functional for isotropic central limit random fields

     N.Takayama (高山信毅 Takayama, Nobuki): 
       Numerical analysis in holonomic methods.
Y.Goto . T.Nobukawa . A.Tsuchiya . S.Telen . A.L.Sattelberger . S.Kuriki . N.Takayama .

六甲レクチャーノートで出版済みの講義録(No.23, No.24, No.26)は こちら.
前回の超幾何学校2022の時間割は こちら .